Each year we recognize the efforts of our volunteers who have gone above and beyond to help us achieve our objectives. This year we want to recognize the efforts of these 7 individuals whose hard work and dedication were a big part of our success in 2021:
Jim Schieck – In recognition of his important contributions to the 2021 GDTA Trail Building Trips. Jim participated in two trail building crews this past year, serving as a Crew Leader for the first time. Jim’s work as a biologist enabled us to get a bird survey done so that work on Racehorse Shoulder could be completed this summer. Jim and his wife Annette also hiked the entire High Rock Trail to produce a Trail Adopter assessment report.
Dave Higgins – In recognition of his leadership and important contributions to the 2021 GDTA Bridge Building Trips. Dave led bridge building trips this year to Cataract Creek and Cairnes Creek. Just like last year, Dave built not one but two much needed temporary bridges over Cairnes Creek, while dealing with the stressful red tape from difficult government officials. Dave continues to be the main person responsible for the rebuild of the David Thompson Heritage Trail and is leading the charge to get a permanent bridge built over Cairnes Creek.
Tasha Shakotko – In recognition of her important contributions to the GDTA Outreach Committee. Tasha has been a key part of the reinvigoration of the GDTA’s Outreach Committee, working hard to promote the Great Divide Trail and the Association including assisting with the set up the GDTA’s Online Merchandise Store.
Susan Massong – In recognition of her important contributions as TBMC Secretary and Trip Coordinator. Susan became the Trail Building & Maintenance Committee Secretary earlier this year and immediately began improving many of the administrative and record keeping processes of the committee. She took over the role of Trip Coordinator and very successfully managed the communications with dozens of volunteers over several weeks as part of this summer’s trail building program.
Dan Durston – In recognition of his leadership and important contributions to Support the GDT Community and Improve the Great Divide Trail. Dan led a trail maintenance trip to improve the notorious Jackpine Valley Trail this year. He continues to make many other improvements to the GDT, in particular to Section D. Dan always makes himself available to support the GDT community, answering questions and providing planning advice to aspiring thru hikers.
Dave Hockey – In recognition of his leadership and important contributions to Finishing the High Rock Trail and Getting the GDT recognized and protected in Alberta. As usual, Dave was a trip leader for multiple trips on the High Rock Trail, lending his vast amount of trail building experience to a new batch of volunteers this summer. As Equipment Manager, Dave was again responsible for procurement and storage for most of the GDTA’s tools and supplies. In his “spare time”, Dave continues to be the biggest advocate for the recognition and long-term protection of the GDT in Alberta.
Sarah Jones – In recognition of her important contributions to the Trail Protection and Advocacy Committee. Sarah has become an important member of the Trail Protection and Advocacy Committee. Earlier this year Sarah compiled information from several sources to prepare an invaluable briefing document for the board related to the rescinded coal development policy in southern Alberta.