Keep up to date on changes to the trail and updates from The Great Divide Trail Association.
It’s more than just a way to get news!
Your subscription to the GDTA newsletter also helps the Association build the trail! The more members, donors, followers, and yes, even subscribers we have, the more credibility the association has when negotiating with land managers and other partners. Similarly, large numbers helps to strengthen our applications for trail development grants, and make us a more attractive partner for corporate donations. So sign up now and tell your friends! It’s a free way to stay informed and to help protect and maintain this amazing treasure.
What you get when you subscribe
Way Points
Subscribers receive Way Points – Your guide to the Great Divide Trail: News, Views, and Upcoming Events. This monthly newsletter keeps you informed of everything happening surrounding the development and promotion of this amazing trail. You’ll be the first to know about upcoming events such as the Film Festival, Gear Swap Weekends, and Trail Building trips.

Subscribers also receive our beautiful virtual magazine Pathfinder. This roughly quarterly publication is full of great articles and stories about and from the trail – submitted by hikers and trail afficionados like yourself!
About the Great Divide Trail Association
The Great Divide Trail Association is a Canadian not‐for‐profit corporation and registered charitable organization headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, responsible for maintaining, promoting and protecting the Great Divide Trail. The Great Divide Trail Association works with regional partners to coordinate trail improvements, maintenance and protection. We are supported by members, volunteers and hikers who make the Great Divide Trail experience possible.