Pathfinder Newsletter – Spring/Summer 2020

This edition of the Pathfinder Newsletter includes articles showcasing GDT and other wilderness adventures, information to help (re)plan your 2020 summer on the Great Divide – hiking and/or volunteering, announcements, conditions, GDT literature news, and general interest articles. Enjoy!   GDTA COVID-19 Update: An important message from the GDTA regarding the…

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GDTA Charitable Status

By Mary Jane Kreisel The GDTA has Charitable Status! On May 5, the Charities Directorate let us know we are now a registered charity. This means that The Great Divide Trail Association can issue official tax receipts for charitable donations. This is a big step for us and we hope that…

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Tales from the Great Divide

Its History, Its Founders, Its First Hilarious Book By Sue L. Blanchard in collaboration with Jenny L. Feick, PhD  The history of the Great Divide Trail and the Great Divide Trail Association is in many ways the story of six young adults with the energy, determination and vision to explore a vast…

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This Summer, Hug a Tree and Listen to the Plants

By Jenny L. Feick, PhD Every spring, I take great delight in getting reacquainted with my friends in the plant world. This year, especially, with the social distancing required to help slow the spread of the novel coronavirus, I’ve had to resort to hugging trees instead of embracing my family,…

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