Category: Pathfinder
2022 GDTA Volunteer Recognition Awards
2022 GDTA Annual Report

Presented by Doug Borthwick, President, and Kate Hamilton, Executive Director. ============================================================== by Doug Borthwick, President Wow! What a year. It started pretty rough for a lot of us on the Board. The changing pandemic situation was opening up travel, there were key life changes, and burnout experienced, and as a…
2022 GDTA Trail Building and Maintenance Trips
Conifer Cornucopia
Draft Update on the GDTA Trail Users Code
GDTA Winter 2022 Webinars

This winter the Outreach Committee presented four GDT trip planning Webinars: Webinar 1: Planning and Preparing for Your GDT Hike Webinar 2: Gear Webinar 3: Resupplying and Food Preparation Webinar 4: Training and Injury Prevention These webinars were well attended. For those not able to attend, videos were posted on…
Musings on the GDT Past to Present to Future
What Goes Around (But Didn’t Go Anywhere) Has Come Around Again

By Jenny Feick, PhD Read in The Globe and Mail: Brianna Sharpe’s Globe & Mail article in April 2022 entitled “Hikers push for Alberta’s Great Divide Trail to be given official recognition” brought to mind one of the many opinion pieces expressed during the story telling sessions that formed the backbone of the book…