Pathfinder Newsletter – Fall 2015

It was a busy and productive summer for the Great Divide Trail Association! Here’s what we’ve been up to… Trail Maintenance 2015  From July 15 to 19, the Great Divide Trail Association partnered with the Hornaday Wilderness Society, the trail operator for the Aldridge Creek Trail. 18 volunteers worked to…

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November 2015 Trail and Road Conditions

Trail Conditions Update – November 1, 2015 Winter is coming! The GDT has experienced an unusually long fall hiking season with some lower elevation trails still snowfree. At higher elevations expect fresh snow and wet or icy trail conditions, with temperatures falling below freezing. Conditions can change quickly so be prepared for all weather conditions…

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The Little VW That Could

or “How We Skewered a Volkswagen” By Dave Higgins All the recent brouhaha surrounding Volkswagens rigged to pass emissions testing brings to mind the time we had our own jury-rigged VW, which is a much happier story as it was instrumental in helping us survey the original route of the…

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