June 2016 Trail and Road Conditions

Trail Conditions Update – June 29, 2016 Wildflowers are blooming! Most of the snow from the freak snowstorm last week has melted and trails are mostly bare and dry with patches of snow lingering at higher elevations. Warm daytime temperatures means the snow is melting quickly and creating muddy and slippery conditions. WATERTON HIKER…

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Pathfinder Newsletter – Spring 2016

Check out the Great Divide Trail Association’s latest edition of Pathfinder including: GDT Birthday 2016 Trail Maintenance Trips Maps Update Sponsor Spotlight Trail Tales Oh The Peaks You Will See Trail & Road Conditions Upcoming Events and more! You can view the latest edition of Pathfinder here.  

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A GDT Honeymoon

By Pete Michelinie and Cassidy Metcalf My wife Cassidy and I took to the Great Divide Trail in July 2015 for our honeymoon and had an amazing adventure. To give you a brief background, I have been in love with long distance hiking since walking the Appalachian Trail after graduating…

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Spring 2016 Trail and Road Conditions Update

Trail Conditions Update – April 30, 2016 Spring is in the air! This is transition time on the GDT. Hiking trails at lower elevations vary from bare and muddy to slushy and icy, while trails at higher elevation remain snowbound with potential avalanche risk. Trails can be icy in the…

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The Great Divide Trail Turns 50

by Dustin Lynx What a delight to come across a booth of eager volunteers promoting the Great Divide Trail Association (GDTA) at the recent Banff Mountain Book and Film Festival. I chatted with Dave Hockey, one of the board members, while he swiped my credit card through a device on…

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Pathfinder Newsletter – Winter 2015-2016

Mt. Assiniboine from sub-Nub

Check out the Great Divide Trail Association’s latest edition of Pathfinder including: GDTA 2016 Resolutions Volunteer Highlight Trail Tales Oh The Peaks You Will See Backcountry Kitchen Trail & Road Conditions Upcoming Events and much more! You can view the latest edition of Pathfinder here. The Great Divide Trail Association…

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New Years on the Great Divide

Frozen Smiles

By Jocelyn Wood An eight minute helicopter ride above snow covered valleys and meadows, past sheer Rocky Mountain faces and a sharp left over Assiniboine Pass across the Great Divide into British Columbia and there I am stumbling out of a helicopter and post-holing my way to the cooking shelter.…

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Hikers’ Forum

Thinking about hiking on the Great Divide Trail and need some help with your planning? Join our Facebook Hikers’ Forum. Chat with past, present and potential hikers about day, section or thru-hiking on the GDT Get advice from experienced GDT hikers Find a hiking partner Join now and become part…

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