Pathfinder Newsletter – March 2014

Hello all, After one of the coldest winters in a long time, we are all thankful for the arrival of spring! As the snow melts, let’s cross our fingers that we don’t have flooding like last year and soon we’ll be back up in the mountains and on the Great…

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The Flood of 2013

Unfortunately due to road and trail damage from the severe flooding in south-western Alberta in June 2013, our 2013 GDT Trail Maintenance trip was cancelled. From August 30 to September 1, 2013, three members of the Great Divide Trail Association hiked from Hidden Creek to Baril Creek, assessing damage to…

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Etherington Creek – 2012

Fifteen volunteers spent four days camped on the north fork of Etherington Creek.  A bridge over the main fork of Etherington Creek was built and the trail was reconstructed through the difficult cut-block section leading toward Baril Creek. This work was originally planned for 2011, but logistic issues required it…

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Lost Creek – 2010

This year’s planned trail maintenance in the Lost Creek area has been successfully completed.  Sixteen people took part in a four-day weekend of brush clearing, branch pruning, trail re-alignment and re-blazing.  The goal of completing trail maintenance south to where last year’s work ended was accomplished.

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Upper Oldman – 2009

Major trail work took place during July 2009.  A newly formed volunteer group dedicated to the ongoing maintenance of the GDT, the Friends of the Great Divide Trail, spearheaded the effort by recruiting new volunteers, obtaining permits from the Alberta Government, and arranging for donations of food and the loan…

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Baril Creek – 2006

In September 2006, members of the Great Divide Trail Association and the Alberta Wilderness Association, with help from several Pathway Connectivity employees, did bridge construction across Baril Creek and trail clearing up to Fording River Pass.  The entire Baril access trail was also re-blazed.

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Cataract Creek – 2004

In 2004, major trail clearing, bridge building and some trail realignment was done between Cataract and Lost Creeks, across the spectacular Cataract Plateau. The new line was surveyed in June, with construction work occurring in August. The entire section from Rye Ridge to Cataract Plateau was re-blazed as well. Lunch…

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