The Trail Crew Experience

by Joey Gompels During lockdown in the UK, everyone became obsessed with something. From hoarding toilet paper to home fitness, anything to stay sane. My obsession of choice was the Great Divide Trail. A wild thru-hike over 1100 km from Waterton at the US border to Kakwa Lake, tracing the…

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Oldman River Headwaters Quiz

by Jeff Gruttz The Quiz: For all our Southwest Alberta hikers / geography keeners….. which number is closest to the number of glaciers, or visible remnants thereof, contained in the most southerly drainage basin traversed by the GDT, the Oldman River drainage basin? Clue: this is a semi-trick question. 0…

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October 2022 Trail and Road Conditions

October 26, 2022 Fall colours are here and so is the snow! Expect trails to be snow covered and wet, slippery and muddy conditions. Nighttime and early morning temperatures are below freezing, so be prepared for cold temperatures, morning frost and shorter days when travelling into the backcountry this fall.  TRAIL…

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September 2022 Trail and Road Conditions

September 22, 2022 Cooler temperatures, shorter days and the first snowfall and frost are signs that summer in the mountains is winding down. Trails are generally still in good condition but expect some wet and muddy sections following periods of rain or snow.  TRAIL CLOSURES AND NOTICES:   COVID-19: We encourage everyone…

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Call for Board Members – August 2022

Great Divide Trail Association, Calgary, Alberta Backpackers, hikers, outdoor enthusiasts, would you like to share your passion with others? Do you want to participate in responsibly creating an iconic Canadian wilderness opportunity? Do you have 6-10 hours to volunteer each month? The Great Divide Trail traverses the continental divide between…

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August 2022 Trail and Road Conditions

August 26, 2022 Wildflowers are blooming and berry season has started! Most of the GDT is now snow free with the exception of some lingering snow patches at higher elevations. Valley bottom trails at lower elevations are mostly dry. TRAIL CLOSURES AND NOTICES:   COVID-19: We encourage everyone who spends time on…

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July 2022 Trail and Road Conditions

July 23, 2022 Wildflowers are blooming! Above average snowpack and a cooler than average spring have resulted in lingering snowpack at elevations above 2100 metres. Valley bottom trails at lower elevations vary from dry and bare to wet and muddy due to rapid snow melt in the warm weather. Many…

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GDTA Membership Drive

The Great Divide Trail Association has set several ambitious goals for 2022. This year we will be holding 7 trail building trips on the High Rock Trail (HRT) as we prepare for the official opening ceremony of the HRT on July 22! We are excited to announce the return of…

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Shrubs Along the GDT: Not all Alders or Willows!

By Jenny L. Feick, PhD If you have ever attended one of the GDTA’s trail work trips you have likely helped to clear shrubby vegetation from the Great Divide Trail and its immediate vicinity. Shrubs are the woody perennial plants that are smaller than a tree with multiple permanent stems…

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Our New GDTA Corporate Supporters

by Kate Hamilton The GDTA is pleased to announce several new corporate supporters that were engaged this year. These are industrious, small businesses whose products and services are all about hikers – gear, lodging, food, resupply, information sources, and memorabilia. Like us, they are outdoors enthusiasts and believe in taking care…

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