Committee Corner Winter 2021

Committee Corner is where one finds news about what various committees are working on.  Sharing news is voluntary and committees are busy, so may not always find time to share news.  We hope committee participation grows over time.  Thank you to the committees that sent news on such short notice.


Outreach Committee News

The GDTA Outreach Committee has some interesting things in development for members, hikers and the public in the coming few months leading into the 2021 hiking season.

After a quiet previous year, the GDTA’s Outreach Committee has been working on some new experiences for all of us to enjoy and learn from. From exploring new possible merchandise options, developing webinars for educational and insightful topics and looking into possible trips without the sweat equity component of the trail building trips.

The schedule for the webinars will be available mid-March, with the first presentation being offered late March. Stay tuned for details, coming soon. The Outreach Committee is looking forward to sharing these experiences with you all.

Ensuring Financial Capacity Committee News

We are pleased to welcome Meaghan Underhill and David Peets to the EFC Committee.  They join Mary Jane Kreisel, Co-Chair and Doug Whiteside, Interim Co-Chair of this committee.  Meaghan will be working on grants and researching funder prospects, whereas David will be developing our corporate sponsorship program.  M.J. will continue to handle the donations portfolio.  We are currently developing a work plan and revenue figures to go into the overall GDTA budget to be approved by the Board in March.



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