Category: Pathfinder
Backpacker’s Best Burrito Bowl Recipe
Walk Into Well-being, the Health Benefits of Hiking in Nature
Pathfinder Newsletter – Autumn 2022

This edition of the Pathfinder Newsletter includes a few key announcements, and articles showcasing adventures on the GDT, accomplishments this year, volunteer recognition, trail crew fun, event reports, and special interest topics. Enjoy! 2022 GDTA Annual Report: It’s amazing what we’ve achieved this year! 2022 GDTA Volunteer Recognition Awards: A…
Oldman River Headwaters Quiz

by Jeff Gruttz The Quiz: For all our Southwest Alberta hikers / geography keeners….. which number is closest to the number of glaciers, or visible remnants thereof, contained in the most southerly drainage basin traversed by the GDT, the Oldman River drainage basin? Clue: this is a semi-trick question. 0…