Category: Pathfinder
Adopt a Trail Program
Solving the Conifer Conundrum
2021 Trail Building & Maintenance Trips
Pathfinder Newsletter – Spring/Summer 2021

With the arrival of the summer hiking season, the Great Divide Trail Association continues to consider what is best for the health and safety of the trail community that we serve. While pandemic recovery continues and the world slowly reopens, staying active in the outdoors is an excellent way to keep…
GDTA Spring 2021 Webinars

by Charlene Deck This spring, the Outreach Committee presented two webinars to help hikers prepare for the trails this summer: one on trip planning and safety and one on gear selection. Trip Planning and Safety Keri Bowzaylo, an ultra-runner, fitness professional, and apprentice interpretive guide, showed us how to plan…
Thinking Outside the Donation Box
Ordering “Tales from the Great Divide”

By Jenny Feick, PhD Tales from the Great Divide, Vignettes on the Origins and Early History of Canada’s Great Divide Trail and Great Divide Trail Association brings to life the memories of many of the ‘originals’ whose vision, idealism, dedication, and hard work over five decades made Canada’s Great Divide Trail…