Winter 2020/21 Trail and Road Conditions

Trail Conditions Update – November 2, 2020 Winter conditions are here. Snow has fallen on all of the GDT and is accumulating at high elevations so expect wet, icy and slippery trail conditions. Boots, hiking poles, snow cleats or snowshoes are recommended. Temperatures are below freezing, so be prepared for winter conditions and short…

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The Lovely Larch – Coolest Tree on the GDT

By Jenny L. Feick, PhD  Every September, thousands of people make the pilgrimage up into the high subalpine reaches of the Rocky Mountains to take delight in the bright yellow hues of a curious conifer, the subalpine larch (Larix lyallii). Unlike other cone-bearing trees, which are evergreens, larches are deciduous like poplars, aspens, and…

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Tales from the Trail: Section G – Kakwa to Robson

One Epic Adventure!  By Barb Lauer  After completing the easiest section of the GDT last summer (section C, Field to Kananaskis), this summer Lynnie and I tackled the most challenging section, section G, SOBO from Kakwa to Mt Robson. An amazing achievement that would not have been possible without the help of Dustin Lynx.    Section G is a very difficult section and should…

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Horse Packers Clean Up GDT Camp

By Wendy Ryan  Wendy Ryan is both an avid horseback trail rider and a GDT enthusiast. From Pincher Creek, Wendy has enjoyed time on the GDT over the years, joined the GDTA, and believes in the GDTA’s commitment to preserving, promoting, and maintaining the GDT. She is also interested in horse…

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2020 GDTA Volunteer Recognition Awards

Each year we recognize the efforts of our volunteers who have gone above and beyond to help us achieve our objectives. This year has been an exceptional year for us on many fronts, and as a result we want to recognize the efforts of these 8 individuals whose hard work and dedication…

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2020 Trail Building and Maintenance Trips

By Doug Borthwick  2020 was another great year for trail building and maintenance on the Great Divide Trail.  Much thanks has to be given to all those on the GDTA Trail Building and Maintenance Committee (TMBC) who put in an extraordinary amount of work behind the scenes just to be able to safely put together any trips.  Planning was ahead of…

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2020 GDTA Annual Report

By Brad Vaillancourt, President of the Great Divide Trail Association To call 2020 a historic year feels like an understatement. 2020 has been one the most unusual, most challenging, most stressful years ever… and yet unexpectedly, 2020 has also been one of the GDTA’s most successful years ever. Early in the year while the world was shutting down to deal with the growing pandemic, the…

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October 2020 Trail and Road Conditions

Trail Conditions Update – October 15, 2020 Fall colours are here, and so is the snow! Snow has fallen at higher elevation on parts of the GDT so expect wet, slippery and muddy trail conditions. Boots or cleats and poles are recommended. Nighttime and early morning temperatures are below freezing, so…

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September 2020 Trail and Road Conditions

Trail Conditions Update – September 21, 2020 While Alberta and British Columbia continue to cautiously move into the next phases of living with COVID-19, the Great Divide Trail Association has considered what is best for the health and safety of the trail community that we serve. Staying active in the outdoors…

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